企 业 名 称:安捷伦前锋电子科技有限公司
所 属 网 库:成都传媒网库
联 系 人:Wilson Lee先生
职 位:Sr. Engineer
员 工 人 数:未知
主 营 产 品:射频微波频谱仪
公 司 地 址:中国 四川 成都市
联 系 电 话:86-28-87980188-8309
电 子 邮 箱:
公 司 传 真:86--
注 册 资 金:未知
经 营 模 式:中外合资经营企业 ;经销批发
主 营 行 业:频谱分析仪
The world’s premier measurement company
When measurement matters, engineers, scientists, manufacturers,
businesses, researchers, and government agencies rely on Agilent
tools and solutions. From home entertainment to homeland security,
from food safety to network reliability, and from communicating
wirelessly to discovering the genetic basis of disease, Agilent
provides the measurement capabilities that make our world more
productive and a safer, healthier, more enjoyable place to
No other company offers the breadth and depth of measurement tools
and expertise to meet the world’s critical requirements for
electronic and bio-analytical measurement. With our long track
record and our exclusive focus on measurement, Agilent is the
global industry leader—by virtually any measure.
www.agilent.com.cn or
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